Monday, June 18, 2012

Invitation to Join Me At Be Present Training in Santa Cruz July 26-29, 2012

Last spring, I signed up to attend Be Present's training on Race, Gender, Power and Class. I invited my son Ian to join me. He told me he would think about it and let me know. A few days later, he announced that he had decided to attend.

A couple of days before the training, I decided to cancel my participation. It had been a full month and I was tired. I told Ian of my decision. He responded, "You asked me to think about going. I did and I decided to go. I am going."

It was such an out of character moment (usually I am the one pushing for the Be Present events) that it caught my attention. I felt like the Holy Spirit was giving me a straight talking to through the clarity of my son, telling me that this was one of those times that I needed to rally. So I got myself and Ian over the Berkeley for the training.

I was glad I did.

Almost as soon as I stepped in the room, I remembered why I find Be Present trainings to be so important. There is no other place in my life where I can sit amidst diversity, talk honestly about the hard stuff that is present in such rooms, and come out feeling a deep sense of connection and community with people of such different backgrounds. Every time I am in these rooms I think, "Surely this is what the Kingdom of God looks like."

In April, Ian appointed himself the training's videographer. In between getting to know other kids (children are full participants in the trainings) and breaks at a playground in Berkeley, he was there with his camera filming. Toward the end of the weekend, he gathered some of his footage and created a "trailer" for a longer documentary that he is making about the training.

Be Present does an amazing job of recognizing and affirming children's gifts, so Ian was encouraged to share his trailer. Here it is.

Be Present is hosting another weekend training in Santa Cruz July 26-29, 2012. I am planning to attend with both of my sons. Some other friends from Harvest Time will be there as well. I invite you to join us. If you are interested, let me know and I can tell you more.

Or click on this link to see the information on Be Present's website: