Thursday, March 1, 2012


When I stepped out the car last Friday night, bright lights in the sky caught my attention. There, shining in the deep blue of twilight, was the crescent moon, turned up like a smile. Just above it and to the left was Venus, like a mark of beauty. And above her and to the left, was Jupiter. Three bright lights shining in a perfect line in the dark.

"Roddy, you have to come see this," I called out to my nature loving son. Out here at the ocean, the monthly dance of the moon and stars are a part of daily life. Even so, sometimes, something draws us away from our internet surfing and invites us to stop and receive a gift. This was one of those nights. Jupiter, Venus, and the smiling moon were in perfect alignment just above the horizon.

At Harvest Time, we talk about alignment a lot, meaning soul, God, and money, the sacred three that we hope will line up on check, or in investment, or gift, creating beauty. It happens sometimes. The walls of the heart turn to dust, hands open, to receive or give, and a flash of invisible light appears in the night. Like the time my friend, Howard, made a $1000 gift to a small non-profit that had never received such extravagance. Like the day my sons and I invested money in work in the world that is doing good. Like the email I received on the Winter Solstice, saying unexpected income had come and an extravagant gift would be given to Harvest Time. There are moments when money flows through into the world perfectly aligned, like some kind of holy magic.

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